
Foot Orthotics- Custom-Made Insoles

Most chronic Foot and leg complaints are caused by the way you walk and run. Foot posture doesn’t just affect foot function, but also leg, knee, hip and back function. No two feet are the same and as such foot orthotics often incorporate specific designs for each individual and each foot. Podiatrists are the only health practitioners who are qualified to design a device to accomodate your foot posture, aiming to improve your foot pain.

Shockwave Therapy

Base Podiatry uses shockwave therapy to treat chronic soft tissue injuries in foot and ankle.i.e conditions like Plantar Fasciitis heel pain and Achilles injuries, reducing symptoms in just a few days.

Ingrown Toe Nails

An ingrowing toenail is a painful condition where the side of the nail becomes embedded in the toe. Incorrect nail cutting, tight or inappropriate footwear or direct trauma can all cause ingrowing toenails. Some people are born with nails that are involuted (they grow out curled instead of flat) which have a tendency to become ingrown if not cut correctly. There are different treatments available at our clinic to permanently treat an ingrown toenail.

Footwear and Running Shoes

There is plenty of information and misinformation in regard to which running shoes are the best. All I can say is that there is a running shoe out there that suits you and your running technique and foot posture. Whether you want to spend $120 or $320 there is always an option that will fit your foot. Below are some of my favourite runners of the moment. There is a good mix of styles and brands. If you need running shoe advice, book an appointment and we can discuss your running goals and how your foot posture and technique relate to the types of running shoes that would be suitable. This list is not exhaustive and models change regularly.

Keryflex- a Cosmetic Procedure

The KeryFlex procedure is an immediate cosmetic improvement of the appearance of a traumatised toenail providing a natural-looking nail. It is unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents.