Callous is the hard dry skin formed by friction from shoes or the way your foot functions. Dry cracked heels and callous under the balls of the foot are common and can be treated effectively by the podiatrist.
We are highly skilled at removing the deep core of a corn and friction callous. Strategies to reduce the pressure over the callous and/or corn are advised to help prevent them from reoccurring. Corns and callous can return if the pressure continues. This may require a regular foot care appointment to maintain your foot health.
Our Podiatrists can advise on the most appropriate treatment for your plantar wart. Multiple warts on one or both feet can be treated effectively by a form of needling to promote the body’s own immune system to fight off the virus. Other treatments can involve the use of cryotherapy or acids to burn through the layers of the wart tissue.
We can provide advice on which treatment would be suitable for you or your child.
Treatment can consist of topical ointments applied daily/weekly, thorough debridement and reduction of the infected nail and in certain cases oral medication. Any form of topical or oral medication needs to be used diligently and for 6-12 months as the new healthy nail grows.