
The KeryFlex procedure is an immediate cosmetic improvement of the appereance of a traumatised oenail providing a natural-looking nail. It is unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents. Ideal candidates have mild to moderate impairment caused by: Nail fungus Nail shape changes due to injury Spoon shaped nails Brittle and splitting...

Nail Bracing using Onyfix Is the revolutionary way to treat ingrown toenails without the need for surgery! It will also help in correcting some traumatic nails by encouraging straight nail growth, as long as your nail bed is not damaged! What is toenail bracing for?   Ingrown...

DID MUM, DAD OR GRANDMA KINDLY PASS THE BUNION GENE ONTO YOU??? WANT TO KNOW YOUR OPTIONS?? A large influence in the development of Bunions (hallux abducto valgus) is genetics. Other factors leading to bunions and the worsening of bunions are - sub talar joint pronation forces...

Summer often means sweaty feet and public swimming pools, both of these can be an environment for organisms that may cause skin and nail issues on the feet. Toe nail fungus (or nail rot) Toe nail fungus is caused by a type of tinea that can...

Most chronic foot, ankle and leg complaints are caused by the way you walk and run. Foot posture doesn't just effect foot function, but also leg, knee, hip and back function. Addressing poor posture and stability Foot orthotics are prescribed by podiatrists to...

Let us help you get your feet Spring/Summer ready! We get it!  It's easy to forget about caring for our feet during Winter.  Our nails grow, our skin can dry and crack, fungal infections can form due to non-breathing shoes, corns can appear due to constant enclosed footwear and...

Plantar warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and cause a hard and often painful thickened lesion on the sole of the foot. Plantar warts occur in all age groups but are very common in children due to their immature immune system. Plantar...

We are now offering paraffin wax baths !! These warm wax baths have both a clinical and relaxation effect.  Heated paraffin wax envelopes your feet stimulating circulation and easing the symptoms of arthritis. The cold weather has hit which for some means chilblain season.  Chilblains are...

DO YOU SUFFER FROM REPETITIVE IN GROWN TOE NAILS??? WOULDN'T IT BE NICE TO FIX THE PROBLEM FOR GOOD?? Ingrown toe nails can be caused from a variety of things. Some common causes include: - wearing shoes that crowd your toenails - cutting your...

DO YOU SUFFER FROM HEEL PAIN? Have you tried several treatments and they have failed? If so, you may benefit from shockwave therapy. What is SWT?? Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) devices generate pulses of high pressure sound that travel through the skin. These high pressure pulses create...