Forget to look after your feet during Winter?

Forget to look after your feet during Winter?

Let us help you get your feet Spring/Summer ready!

We get it!  It’s easy to forget about caring for our feet during Winter.  Our nails grow, our skin can dry and crack, fungal infections can form due to non-breathing shoes, corns can appear due to constant enclosed footwear and we can even get chilblains from decreased circulation in the colder weather.

At Base Podiatry we will assess and treat your feet during a 30 minute consultation and then address any problems that may require ongoing care.  Below are the treatments or services we provide for the following issues:

Overgrown nails: With completely sterile instruments we trim the nails safely first, we then clear thickened nails or nail debris with an electric file, following this we smooth the edges of the nail to ensure there are no sharp edges.  In most cases a massage is given to the foot and ankle area.

Callous/Dry Skin: If the dry skin is thick, the podiatrist will first safely trim the thick dry skin away, any associated cracking is then trimmed out.  Following this we use a buffer to completely remove dry loose skin from the entire foot.  A scented cream is then massaged into the skin to provide a moisturising effect as well as massage therapy for the underlying tissue.

Corns: These often painful lesions are best treated by being carefully extracting them using our sterile podiatry instruments, we then smooth the surrounding skin with a buffer.  Each patient is given information with strategies on prevention and tips on avoiding reoccurance.

Fungal toe nail infections: When we suspect a patient may have a fungal toe nail infection, the podiatrist will take a sample to be tested by pathology to confirm the diagnosis. Once confirmed the podiatrist will discuss your options as to what treatment option is preferred.  This includes topical treatments or prescription medication.  However in all cases the podiatrist cuts back the nail and reduces its thickness which in turn reduces the fungal load.

Chilblains: Chilblains require ongoing home and in-clinic treatments.  The in-clinic treatments that can be performed upon diagnosis are massage and warm paraffin wax baths.  At home the patient will be required to keep their feet warm achieved through warm socks, heat packs and toe movements, we also ask the patient to avoid fluctuating temperatures of the feet (eg. cold wet feet being put infront of fire).