24 Mar Keryflex cosmetic procedure
The KeryFlex procedure is an immediate cosmetic improvement of the appereance of a traumatised oenail providing a natural-looking nail. It is unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents.
Ideal candidates have mild to moderate impairment caused by:
- Nail fungus
- Nail shape changes due to injury
- Spoon shaped nails
- Brittle and splitting nails
- Horizontal ridges
- Discolored nails
Why KeryFlex?
Offers another option for patients with damaged toenails
Delivers immediate and significant cosmetic enhancement after one visit
Looks and feels completely natural
Provides for cosmetically pleasing nails during most antifungal treatment regimens
Unlike rigid acrylic nails, flexibility allows KeryFlex restored nails to bend with the natural movement of toes and feet
Is compatible with human tissue and will not irritate or cause further damage to the underlying nail or skin
Allows for the remaining nail to grow out naturally
Is non-porous and will not allow moisture to penetrate between the natural and prosthetic nail
Applied in the sanitary setting of a foot care provider
Is unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents
Not suitable for:
KeryFlex Nail Restoration should not be used on individuals with peripheral vascular disease, arterial insufficiency, peripheral neuropathy, suspicious pigmented lesions on the nail or in-grown toenails. It should be avoided in patients who are pregnant, nursing or known to be sensitive or allergic to any of its ingredients.
- 15-30 mins required for the application to be applied on a toenail
- The interval between applications will vary by patient, but in general, the time between applications is six to eight weeks. For patients with a smaller natural nail segment, three to four weeks is recommended. Individuals who are physically active may require more frequent reapplications.
- KeryFlex does not bind to skin, therefore, the presence of at least 15% of the natural nail is recommended.
- A KeryFlex nail becomes permanently bound to the natural nail. To remove a KeryFlex nail, a foot care provider will file it down utilizing an electric drill until it is no longer attached to the natural nail.
- A patient should only file the distant edge (or free edge) of a KeryFlex nail with a nail file or emery board to maintain a normal length. A KeryFlex nail should NOT be cut or clipped.
- Friction against shoes may cause a KeryFlex nail to chip, crack and reduce its overall integrity. Comfortable & well-fitting shoes are recommended.
- When KeryFlex is applied to an individual who is physically active, the nail should be kept short and not extend beyond the distal edge of the toe. Repeated trauma will reduce the lifespan of a KeryFlex nail and reapplication may be required more frequently.
To find out more, please book a consultation with one of our Podiatrists to asses your toenail.